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Vortex Energy Podcast

Vortex Energy Podcast is a lifestyle show where Grandmother Sue Christiansen and Barbara Longue interview people who are looking to understand their path to enlightenment and fulfillment. Awakening to the new energies on this planet and beyond. Each episode contains information that can help YOU be the most you can be today.

We'll be exploring all types of ways to be healthier; mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritual

Jun 28, 2020

#250 mini mindfulness

Jun 28, 2020






Thanks so much for agreeing to be on the show with us!


Here's link to log into Zoom (you can connect on phone or computer but a download is needed)


** Please make sure you use a headset and have good lighting on you for the live interview.


We will both stay on the zoom...

Jun 24, 2020

More good deeds.

Share your stories

Energy Update at the Vortex

Jun 8, 2020


#cosmos, #faith, #inspiration, #laotzu,
#positivevibes, #energy, #love,
#meditation, #abundance,
#soul, #spiritual, #consciousness,
#upgradeyou, #seeker,
#Speaker, #manifest, #vibration, #thoughts, #create,...

#240 Quantum Global Healing Meditation

Jun 8, 2020

Global Healing Meditation

Quantum healing.


#cosmos, #faith, #inspiration, #laotzu,
#positivevibes, #energy, #love,
#meditation, #abundance,
#soul, #spiritual, #consciousness,
#upgradeyou, #seeker,
#Speaker, #manifest, #vibration, #thoughts, #create,...