Dec 5, 2018
Connecting the Infinite to the Finite
Our awareness is working far better and we’re also going to be far more aware of the animals that aren’t physical.
We’re going to be far more aware of the elementals around us, the unseen people and specifically the animals are really coming into their own now.
Nov 6, 2018
This meditation will have a profound opportunity to expand your awareness of what love is and how to extend it through the illusion of all time and space and bring it back to your YOU, right here, right now.
#meditation, #counsciousness, #love is all there is, #love, #quantum energy
Nov 2, 2018
We are very excited to have Joe Mintzer with us to discuss how he was able to break his own bad habits with drug and alcohol addiction using meditation.
It's a mind-blowing practice and he'd like to help others who have fallen into the same mine field of energy.
Oct 18, 2018
Tyb is an author, geologist, gemologist, researcher and channel.
He has written 7 books, appeared on National Television programs, and has been a featured guest keynote speaker at the United Nations SEAT, the Edgar Cayce Association for Research and Enlightenment & Lee Carroll's Kryon Channeling Summit Event. He is...
Oct 12, 2018
Amazing connection to Mary Magdelene energies with this meditation.
Please find a quiet space and do not listen while you are driving.
#meditation, #mary, #mother Mary, #awakening, #consciousness, #consciousness awakening